So, I just got back from a Taverna dinner for one of my flatmate's birthday. For any of you not in the know, Greek Tavernas are generally speaking adorable eateries, often family owned (probably less than I would like, but I'm going to ignore that fact) and purveyors of fine fine Greek cuisine. You're pretty much required to order a Greek salad when you go out to one, everyone is somewhat shocked and appalled if you don't. All in all, this was one of the better Taverna dinner's I've had though, which was probably helped by the fact that we got both free wine AND free dessert. They didn't have birthday cake, but the owner brought us Greek yogurt, one with honey and one with quince jam. Greek yogurt is amazing, its super thick and rich, though sometimes a little bitter to my taste. This one in particular was nearly solid, and the honey here is so much more floral and delicious. I'm also starting to get along with my roommates better, which makes me very happy indeed. They all bonded in the beginning and I felt like I missed the boat a little bit, but we've been doing more together this week, and I like them a lot. Yesterday they introduced me to the deliciousness that is whole, steamed artichoke. thought I hated artichoke back home. Turns out what I really hate is tinny canned artichokes. I feel a bit like you Mike, and your tomatoes. Some things are just much better fresh. Artichokes are so delicious they don't even need butter! I can't believe I've foolishly missed out on them for so long.
What else... well I watched the Super Bowl. Keep in mind, however, the fact that Greece is eight hours ahead of the States. Instead of a Super Bowl Sunday we had a Super Bowl Horribly Early Monday Morning. I, and one of the other girls I went with, both have class at 8:30 Monday mornings, so we ended up leaving at halftime. Even so I didn't get in to my apartment until 4 in the morning. My sleep schedule is so irrevocably messed up, but that's its own seperate entry. The night was fun though. It really was like being back in America for a couple hours. There were pitchers of beer, and big beefy men, and drunk girls acting foolish, none of which I've seen since I got here. But then I used the bathrooms, which were devoid of toilet seats, as usual, and I remembered I was in Greece. Maybe I just haven't been here long enough, but there was nothing there that made me really miss the States.
Unfortunately, I've been letting other people take pictures lately. My camera is just a little too large to carry around comfortably in my purse, or to hold discretely in my hand. Buying a new camera is definitely on my to do list for when I get home. There were pictures taken at both of these events though, so I'll try to borrow some from people later to share.
I feel like I should end with something though... How about a view of the national gardens?

told you artichokes were amazing.
i maintain that artichokes are gross, and i've had large ones before.
ReplyDeletebut i'm glad you had fun watching the superbowl etc and i'd sort of like to try that yogurt. And what was this about beaches?
i cant believe you've never had artichokes. that's absurd. I thought you'd had nearly everything.
ReplyDeletei have to say i am terribly disappointed.